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Scissors, Fiskars 8'' Softgrip Titanium - Grey
Scissors, Fiskars Classic 8" Orange Handle Bent
Scissors, Fiskars Premier 4" Forged
Scissors, Gingher 3½" Gold Stork
Scissors, Gingher 4" Lightweight
Scissors, Gingher 5"Knife Edge
Scissors, Gingher 6", Pelican Bill
Scissors, Gingher 8" Knife Edge Dressmaker's Shears - Chrome
Seam Ripper - 5¼" Blue Plastic with Ball
Sensa Green 40 - 3 Drawer Treasure Chest, 120 1100 Yard (1000m) Spools
Sensa Green 40 - Mini 2-Drawer Treasure Chest, 1100-yard (1000m) spools, 30 Colors
Sensa Green 40 – Assortment Box, 1100-yard (1000m) Spools, 18 Colors
Sensa Green 40 – Quilt Box, 1100-yard (1000m) Spools, 40 Colors
Specialty Thread Spool Pin Adapter
Squeezers Thread Snips, 4½" Curved Tip Scissor/Snips
Squeezers Thread Snips, 4½" Straight Blade Scissor/Snips
Squeezers' Jump Stitch angled Thread Snips - Rainbow
Sulky KK 2000 Temporary Spray Adhesive - Large Can 6.35 oz
Terial Magic Liquid Fabric Stabilizer
Thread Cutter Snips - Deluxe
Thread Cutter Snips - Disposable
Thread Cutter Snips - Metal
Thread Cutter Snips, Gingher 4" Featherweight
Thread Spool Organizer / Storage Case (Empty)
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For orders totaling more than $65.00